Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Orchestra Visit

Today we saw some of the Christchurch Symphony Orchestra. Each of them told us about their instruments. We saw a flute, piccolo, french horn, oboe, clarinet, bassoon. They were all wood wind instrument except for the french horn, which is a brass instrument. All the wood wind instruments had a reid, a reid makes the sound.  The oboe and the clarinet had double reids which means that there are two pieces of bamboo tied together and they vibrate to make the sound. 

Monday, 21 November 2011

Bank Visit

On Tuesday we went to WestPac Ferrymead, because we are learning about Financial Literacy.
Financial Literacy is learning how to make good choices with money.  We met Tracey, she is the Bank Manager, and she showed us the vault where they keep the money. Tracey and another lady had keys to the vault but they were both different keys and you needed both to open it, so both of them always needed to be there to open the vault. We got to hold $10,000 dollar in $100's and $20's. We got to weigh the coin. We had to tell the machine what type of coin we wanted to weigh and it told us how much we had. The $2 coin was the heaviest and the 10c is the lightest. One of the ATM machines was a coin change machine, so businesses could swap notes for coins. Shops would use this often.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Athletics Timetable

Here is the timetable for Year 4-8 Athletics tomorrow

9.00 Assemble in classes

9.15 Meet on the field in age groups

9.25-10.05 Round 1

10.05-10.45 Round 2

11.00-11.40   Round 3

11.40-12.15  Round 4

12.15- 12.50  Round 5

12.50-1.30 Lunch

1.35-2.15  Round 6

2.15 - House Relays 

Thursday, 27 October 2011


Today we learnt how to draw a rabbit with Neil, from Graham Braddock Art School.
We learnt how to shade, and add light.  We also learnt how to add fur.

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Room 9's News Report

While the Year 4's have had athletics practice, the Year 3's have been busy with Miss Smith and Miss Dippie. Miss Smith is taking art and Miss Dippie has been teaching us how to use the iPads to create movies.
Here is the Room 9 News Report by Imogen, Gabs, Tara, Kyra, Dylan and Jago

Room 9's News Report

Monday, 3 October 2011

Home Learning Week 10

Hi Room 9
This week for home learning I have set some study ladder activities, based proof reading, and also a variety of maths activities, some will be harder than others.
Also have a look at walk the plank - literacy. See if you can solve the trickiest level of hangman without walking the plank.

Another good idea would be to check out BBC typing and practice your typing!


Have a great week.

Miss Dippie

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Setting Descriptions

We are learning how to write a narrative. This week we are looking at how to write an interesting description of a setting.

Will has written a description about Room 9.

Room 9 is a welcoming,peacful and musical place. With walls covered in art as beautiful as Mt. Cook on  amazing a sunny day. It has a activboard that is as flat as a table & is very useful,smart & creative.
All 20 windows are partly covered in more art!
Room 9 is a nice, safe place.

The Button Box

This week we have been performing the Button Box Production. We are in the Frog King with Room 1.
Some of the highlights of doing a production are; that we are showing unity, getting into our costumes, watching what the other classes have done, getting to do more singing and dancing and get to act.

Tonight is our final show at 6.30.
Miss Dippie will have a video of it to put up on the blog tomorrow!

Here are some photos of our performances so far.

Tuesday, 27 September 2011


Room 9,

on such amazing performances of the Button Box, both today and Tuesday.
The parents are in for a treat tomorrow!

You were star's and made me very proud.

Miss Dippie

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Calendar Art

Room 9 has been busy making their calendar art. This year we have decided to do it a bit differently. We have used comic life and create Pop Art inspired calendar art.

Here are some photos.   The calendar art is on display in Room 9 for the next two weeks. You can order your calendars or cards from the office.

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Study Ladder

Miss Dippie has just signed us all up to study ladder. Study ladder is a fun website where we can do different activities to help us with our learning. The activities are at different levels.
We all will get a login and password. We can use this both at home and school, and Miss Dippie can check in and see how we are going.
The link to our class login page is http://www.studyladder.co.nz/myschool/18653/myclass/269646

Monday, 19 September 2011

Our Wild Thing Descriptions

We have been busy in Room 9 writing descriptions about a wild thing that we drew.  We have been learning how to use Audacity on the laptops, and Garageband on the iPads to record our voices. We need to make sure we use the correct reading speed and have fluency so that our stories are nice to listen too.
Come and check them out on the iPad in Room 9.


Sunday, 18 September 2011

Production Practice

Here are some photos from our production practice with Room 1 today.
We are working really hard on making sure all our movements are in time with the music and each other.
Our first dress rehearsal is on Friday.
Thanks Tom S for being a fantastic photographer.

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

The frog king!

This term we have been doing the Button Box Production.We have the frog king with room 1.This is what it sounds like...
Far far away there was a spring, there was a frog and the frog was king, king of the pond and he would boast that he was ruler from coast to coast. His mighty words spread cross the land until they crossed over the sea salt strand. Into the kingdom blue and deep where whales swam and dolphins leap. There was a turtle brave and free, Said I  will go test this mystery ,he swam through rivers, lakes and fords so he could visit the great frog lord. and when at last he reach the spring there was the frog, there was the king ,"Bow down before me" the frog said. The turtle jumped in and the frog was dead.

In Room 9 we are dancers and also frogs, and a giant frog and turtle.
Our production is in week 9

By Tara and Fletcher

Sunday, 21 August 2011

The Golden Bin

Room 9 has been working hard to make sure that we are recycling properly.
The class that recycles the best in each team wins the 'Golden Bin."
We are the best recyclers in our team for this week.

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Redcliffs Last Day

Today is the last day that Redcliff's School is at Sumner.  On Tuesday they are starting at Van Asch.
So because they are leaving Room 9 invited Room 9 from Redcliff's to a farewell party. We organised food and we had did jump jam and had a dance off.

Here is a video of us doing jump jam.

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Snow Day

For the last two days in Christchurch it has snowed, so we had Monday and Tuesday off school. Today we came back at 10am. There is still snow is Sumner. Miss Dippie let us go out in the snow and make a snowman.
Here are some photos of us playing the snow. Maybe you could suggest a name for our snowman or snow-woman.

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Explanation Writing

For writing at the moment we are learning how to write explanations.
An explanation, explains how something is done or works.

Here is an example of an outstanding explanation about how cows make milk, by Ollie.
The words that are underlined are techinical words. You underline them when you are writing an explanation and then they are linked to the glossary.

How do cows turn grass into milk?
 First the cow eats 70kgs of grass a day.  The grass goes into the first two stomachs.
Then it is burped up as cud. The cud is chewed for one minute.
Next the cud  goes through the last two stomachs.  Now it becomes nutrients. It goes into the cows
It goes into the udders and becomes milk.

This is how cows make milk.
Well done Ollie. That was a great example of an explanation!

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Tennis Lesson

On Wednesday we had our first tennis lesson with Lynn and Sarah.  We will get to have four lessons with them all together. The rest of the lessons are on Fridays.

We did some forhand shots. We were all pretty good at getting them over the net.
Sometimes we had to bounce the ball then hit it. That's what you do to serve.
Then Lynn and Sarah threw the ball to us and we had to hit it back.

Monday, 18 July 2011

Happy holidays

Hi all, I hope you are all having a safe and happy holiday.
Enjoy your break and I will see you next term.

From Miss Dippie

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Pyjama Day

Today was Pyjama and Wacky Hair Day. We all got dressed up and brought a can of food to donate to the Salvation Army!
Today was also the launch of Telecoms new charity, Telecom foundation. They came and launched to Christchurch part from our classroom.
We got to meet Jax from Master Chef, which was pretty cool. We talked about things we like, things we don't like, and what we would do if we were the prime minister for the day. Not surprisingly, lots of the things that we would change if we were PM were based around earthquakes.
For having the Telecom come to Room 9 we got a IPad 2 for our class!

The Boys with Jax from Master Chef

Miss Dippie receiving our new Ipad

Us in our pyjamas and wacky hair

The cans Sumner School collected

Wednesday, 13 July 2011


This term for art we have been making sculptures. With Miss Smith for Arts Rotation we created clay sculptures of fish, pigs and bird. There was even 1 puffle. We got some newspaper, scrunched it up into a ball and covered it with tinfoil. Then we covered the tinfoil with clay.  We had to learn how to add to bits of clay together. That is actually quite tricky. After that we painted them and decorated them with feathers, glitter and beads.
Unfortunately due to the June aftershock some of our sculptures fell over and cracked. But most of them were able to be saved.
Here is a slide show of all our photos of our finished product.

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

If I was Prime Minister for the day...

Today we have talked about what we would do if we were Prime Minister for the day.
Miss Dippie would make milk prices go down, and would have a free coffee cart on Fridays for all the teachers in New Zealand. She would also make movie tickets cheaper, and take Room 9 to the movies.

Imogen would make everything earthquake proof.

Tom S would close school for a day. He would go in a private chopper and fly all around NZ. He would race in a formula 1 race and in go -karts.

Xavier would surf down a hill, and go racing in a Formula 1 car.  He would also give money to safely knock down the Grand Chancellor.

Gabriella would make a Harry Potter World in Christchurch and Auckland. She would fly around to different countries so she could observe their culture and learn their languages.

Jago would make a whole new village in Sumner. He would also make everyone dance for 5 minutes non-stop.

Kyra would get rid of any annoying people. She would also make all of NZ practise their spelling.

Tara would also make no annoying people, and get rid of earthquakes, and any other emergency.

Fletcher would make Sumner School a skate park and make Comic Life free for everyone.

Tom C would keep the world safe from earthquakes and make a world of guitars. He would stay in a fancy hotel.

Mary would make school holidays earlier and she would get more books for all schools because she loves books.

Charlie would make a whole new school for Star of the Sea and more classrooms for it. I make bridge all over the world linking different countries

Monday, 11 July 2011

Our new Redcliffs Buddies.

Since week 8 we have had Redcliffs School with us at Sumner as they wait for the cliffs behind their school to be checked. We are really enjoying having new people to play with. Room 9 from Redcliffs made us some amazing cards thanking us for sharing our school with them. We have decided to makes some cards back to them, because we know that it cant be easy being in a new place and not having all the things that they are use too.

Jago's Mice

Yesterday Jago brought his mice to school. They are called Jeepers and Creepers. One is light brown and one is black. They live in big cage. The cage has a little house, a running wheel, and two ladders that lead to the house.
They also have food and a drinking fountain.  They eat apples, cheese and seeds. In the bottom of their cage they is sawdust and pallets to soak up all their mess. We are all interested in watching them. Most of the time they are sleeping in their little house. At maths times they have been having something to eat.

Thursday, 30 June 2011

Our maths.

Today at maths we did some measuring .We measured from mm to cm to m.Then we went outside with some chalk and a book about animals.Firstly we looked up on the book how big a nile crocodile was. It is 6m long! 4 room 9 children could lie down next to the line and still not be long enough. Here are some photos from our other animal lengths.

Bean Update

Our beans have been growing for 5 weeks. This weeks champion is the year 4 boys bean. It has grown 8cm. The year 3 girls bean has started to grow, and is 7 cm, but it is still 29cm behind the next shortest bean.
We will continue to measure them for the next two Fridays and see which bean is the tallest by the school holidays.