Tuesday, 3 May 2011


Charlie sharing his opinion
Ollie and Imogen planning what to say 

Gabby organising what her group wants to say 
This term for writing we are learning to write persuasive writing. Today, Miss Dippie told us that she didn't think that it was a good idea for her to do cooking with the class. Room 9 split into two groups. One group thought we should be able to cook, and the other group thought it was too dangerous for Room 9 to cook.  We had a debate.  Gabby was the leader of the pro cooking group. Imogen was the leader against children cooking. Imogen and Ollie were worried that Room 9 could get hurt cooking or damage something. Gabby, Keke, Tom and Charlie said that they would make sure that they would get an adult to supervise and do the chopping and hot things. They also reminded Miss Dippie about how they were good listeners and very sensible, so they would always be following her instructions in the kitchen. Both sides shared their opinions and the pro cooking group managed to persuade Miss Dippie to agree that cooking with Room 9 was a good idea. 
Watch this space for when we start writing our persuasive arguments. 

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